My name is María de Lourdes Pérez Torres, I am 58 years old and I have been in the church for 16 years. Since birth, I have suffered from progressive myopia in both eyes. This over the years has worsened, causing macular degeneration in both retinas, being exposed to retinal detachment and causing total blindness in one eye. In these months due to this disease in my eyes, it has caused a strabismus in my right eye, of which I already have very little vision. At the moment I don't work for any company, because of my disability they don't want to hire me and therefore I don't have the right to health insurance in my country.I went to a hospital where a specialist doctor can operate on me. But between the cost of the surgery, studies of my eyes, medical appointments, it has been quite expensive and I don't have the resources. I'm organizing a raffle among friends, of some items so that with the sale of these tickets I can get some money, but the truth is that I haven't reached the goal, and I have to raise money for my recovery after the operation. I ask God for a miracle to at least complete for the operation and I have faith to regain sight in my right eye.If you can support me in anything, I will be eternally grateful.
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