COVID-19 Needs - Satya and Aruna - Mumbai, India

Satyanarayan (Satya) and Aruna are part of the church in Mumbai and have been faithful disciples for more than 18 years. Although they come from Hindu backgrounds, their faith in Christ is strong and has inspired all five of their adult children to become followers of Jesus.

This year has been extremely challenging for this family beginning with Satya nearly losing his life due to 95% blockage in his arteries. It is truly only by the grace of God, that doctors were able preform successful open-heart surgery in time to save his life. Amid a global pandemic, the family was forced to shut down their shop and take out a loan for more than $5,000 to pay for hospital fees. Satya is doing well and recovering, but his health issues and nationwide COVID-19 lockdown in India have made it impossible for him to resume his work. His children have been extremely supportive and sacrificially contributed to help pay off the hospital bill, but they too have suffered salary cuts, and two of them have lost their jobs. Satya and his wife are now faced with debt for their home rent and shop rent that has accumulated over the last five months. Your contribution, will help this family to move forward and encourage their hearts as they work through this tumultuous time in their lives.

Thanks to the generous donations of ETF contributors,

this need has been met! 

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Especially The Family (ETF) was started by a small group of disciples in 2012. ETF has been a registered not-for-profit 501c3 entity since 2012 so all donations made to it are tax deductible. Our EIN number, which you can use to verify our charity status, is 45-3788352.
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