Please meet Abeer from Jordan.
Abeer is a 56 years old mother of 7 children. She has been a faithful disciple for 23 years. She met God through a friend who was a teacher whom taught her kids. Since then she tries to show Jesus’ love in her daily life.
Abeer helps in kids kingdom ministry and is known for her genuine love and care for the brothers and sisters but whoever knows her cannot but distinguish how much she is devoted for the kids.
Currently Abeer helps with the finances at home by working as a babysitter. But the family can barely afford the the basic needs .
She is in need of all the help she can get so she can pay for her daughter’s education. Lydia, the youngest, skipped two years from getting her education because of the financial issues the family was facing.
She will be grateful for your support.
Thank You & God Bless
Request: $1,000