Michael (85) and his wife Danawathi have been faithful disciples of the Ceylon Christian Church for more than 23 years.
Michael is not able to work now due to his poor health condition. His wife and his son both work to support the family but since those jobs are low paid jobs, they have been able to manage only their very basic needs with their earnings.
Due to Michael’s health condition, he stays home all day. Their house is in a bad condition and has a lot of repairs and also there is no proper ceiling which makes it very difficult to stay inside the house during the afternoons as the Asbestos sheet roof gets heated and releases the heat inside the building.
Sri Lanka’s current economic crisis has made it very difficult for families such as Michaels. They cannot afford to pay for ceiling right now even though it is an important need. They have kindly requested for financial support to fix their ceiling.
Request: $1,000