Mama Esther first met disciples in 2017 after being invited by her brother who was also a visitor at the time. She studied the bible for about a month and made Jesus the Lord of her life. In the past 4 years, one of her daughters also gave her life to Christ. She is a mother to many disciples in the Church in Kampala.
Mama Ester has battled with a chronic heart disease for more than 10 years which has put her in and out of hospital, with a very meager income, she has most times struggled to raise money to meet her medical bills since one of her daughters was involved in an accident that left her with a fractured leg, and the other one has no job for she didn’t finish school. Mama Esther lives with her two daughters and two grandchildren.
She is requesting $1000 in financial assistance to buy groceries and meet her medical bills as her daughters look for jobs. Thank You, and God Bless!