My name is Esteban and I am 42 years old. I was baptized on March 24, 1996. I met my wife at church and I have been married for 14 years and we have 2 daughters. Camila, 10 years old, and Emilia, 3 years old.
Five years ago, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and 2 years ago I was diagnosed with anxiety syndrome, depression, and other stomach issues. The gastroenterologist was unsure of what my stomach issues were so after many tests, I received some of the worst news I could receive in my life and that is that in the ascending colon she had found a malignant tumor, cancer. I had to undergo emergency surgery and currently I am recovering slowly. This has caused problems at work due to such a long absence and problems paying expenses including our mortgage, and medical treatments. For this reason, I am requesting your support to be able to finances a bit since we have been adjusting, giving more and more priority to my health issue, but the expenses are increasing and the idea is to be able to continue carrying out the treatment.
Request: $1,000