First of all we want to express our gratitude for your help and support. In the face of Hurricane Fiona, the brothers of the Church of Christ in Puerto Rico we thank God so much for preserving our lives and homes. God has allowed us to share in his victory because he has allowed us to reflect a sincere brotherhood, united and trusting in him in the face of the adversities that we have experienced as a country.
In these moments, our church is facing the aftermath of hurricane Fiona. One of the challenges that surfaced after the hurricane, is the lack of basic services of electricity, water and communication signals. This in turn triggered the damage of basic equipment, the loss of food, as well as exhaustion . That is why we are requesting funding to assist families in purchasing battery operated equipment such as fans, radios, and generators to allow families to resume vital functions in their homes. We truly believe that this assistance will allow 78 families and individuals to persevere through the loss of power during this hurricane season. We are extremely grateful to God and to you for any help you can give us. May the Lord continue to bless your lives and ministry!