Sunita lives in one of Mumbai's slums. Her tiny 8 x 8-foot room has no running water or private restroom. She stores water in huge containers outside of her home for daily use and shares a common toilet with others in the slum. She is a resilient woman and faithful disciple of Jesus.
Sunita came to know Christ in 2002 when her mother-in-law and sister-in-law reached out to her. Although her husband’s family loved God, he struggled with alcoholism and bouts of violence. Sunita endured verbal and physical abuse on a regular basis. Through all of this, she remained steadfast in her love for Christ and kept praying that her husband would change. Her daughter, Jennifer, was so inspired by her mother’s love for God that in the midst of so much turmoil at home, she was baptized in July 2016.
Sometime in late 2018, her husband was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Sunita immediately stepped in as his primary caregiver and never faltered in her care for him. The brothers in the church reached out to him once more and February of 2019 Sunita’s husband finally made Jesus Lord of his life. Only five months later, in July of 2019, Sunita’s husband passed away leaving behind a wife, son, and daughter.
Sunita is struggling to make ends meet. Her son who was working and helping with family expenses, is now stuck at home due to the nation-wide COVID-19 lockdown implemented in India. Sunita and her family are asking for assistance to pay college tuition and groceries as they bear through this tough time.
Thanks to the generous donations of ETF contributors,
this need has been met!